The Importance of Backup DNS for Network Reliability

Backup DNS comes into play because DNS configurations, just like any other system, can be prone to errors, failures, and cyber-attacks. In today’s article, we’ll explore what it is, how it works, and why it’s essential for maintaining robust online operations. So, let’s get started!

What is Backup DNS?

Backup DNS refers to the practice of creating and maintaining copies of DNS zone files. These zone files contain all the DNS records for a domain, such as A records, MX records, CNAME records, and others. Regularly backing up these files ensures that, in the event of a failure or error, you can quickly restore your DNS configurations and maintain the accessibility and functionality of your online services.

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Why does DNS cache matter & How to flush it?

Data exchange happens at a lightning pace. Every time you type a website address into your browser, it doesn’t immediately connect you to the requested website. Instead, a series of behind-the-scenes processes take place, one of which involves DNS (Domain Name System) resolution. DNS acts like a directory, translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses that computers can understand. But what role does DNS cache play in this process, why does it matter, and how can you flush it when necessary?

What is DNS Cache?

DNS cache is a mechanism employed by computers and networking devices to store recently accessed DNS information locally. When you visit a website for the first time, your computer sends a request to a DNS resolver to translate the domain name into an IP address. Once the resolver obtains the IP address, it stores it in its cache for future use. Next visits to the same website skip the DNS resolution process and directly access the IP address from the cache, speeding up the browsing experience.

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DNSSEC – Why is it so beneficial?

Speaking bluntly, the Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone of today’s big Internet. But such important creation got born without a security system. Without DNS, there’s no Internet, at least not in the comfortable way we know it now. Would you trust the Internet knowing that its backbone operates without security? Well, from here, you have a clue to know why DNSSEC is so beneficial. But we can go deeper!

DNSSEC definition

DNSSEC is how the security extensions to the DNS are named. It means Domain Name System Security Extensions. This group of security solutions was created to authenticate and protect DNS traffic. It’s the security layer of the DNS and the Internet that is needed to work safer. It adds cryptographic signatures to DNS records.

Check out one of the greatest DNSSEC services on the market!

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DNS outage: Meaning & Details

DNS outages can cause significant interruptions in business operations, so it’s essential to understand what they are and how to protect against them. A DNS outage, also known as a Domain Name System outage, is when an issue with the DNS server causes users to be unable to access the requested website or service. There are many different causes of a DNS outage, including malicious attacks, software and hardware errors, network congestion, and configuration errors. By having a DNS outage prevention plan and understanding the risks associated with DNS outages, businesses and individuals can ensure that they don’t experience any significant disruptions in their operations.

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