DNS outage: Meaning & Details

DNS outages can cause significant interruptions in business operations, so it’s essential to understand what they are and how to protect against them. A DNS outage, also known as a Domain Name System outage, is when an issue with the DNS server causes users to be unable to access the requested website or service. There are many different causes of a DNS outage, including malicious attacks, software and hardware errors, network congestion, and configuration errors. By having a DNS outage prevention plan and understanding the risks associated with DNS outages, businesses and individuals can ensure that they don’t experience any significant disruptions in their operations.

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What does DNS Spoofing stand for?

What does “DNS Spoofing” refer to?

DNS Spoofing, commonly referred to as DNS cache poisoning, is a cyberattack and phishing. Instead of directing you to the page you wanted to visit, it leverages the DNS servers to give your web browser the incorrect IP address. Due to this, DNS inquiries frequently return false positives, directing visitors away from safe websites and toward risky ones designed to steal personal information or distribute malware.

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